Sheet Music
Sheet Music
Rating (2.8)
Reviews: 38
Category: Utilities & tools
Sheet Music starts with your most recently accessed Programmes and Parts.  Parts are your sheet music images. Programmes are collections of parts displayed in order when you perform.
Tapping on a part displays its details.  From here you can view the properties associated with this music when you originally imported your images.
You can easily add new parts to your library by importing images and adding additional information.
Once you have your sheet music parts in your library, you can assemble them into groups called Programmes. Programmes are the primary way to display sheet music parts during a performance.
Tapping on a programme tile form the home page takes you to the programme details page.  From here you can review the program in a table of contents format.
Sheet Music presents each page of each part in sequential order during your performance. Swipe to move between pages.  Tapping on the image reveals additional information.


Sheet Music is a musician’s electronic performance binder. The inspiration for this application is the volunteer liturgical musician, who, over the years has acquired a sizable personal portfolio of accompaniments and arrangements. After you import images of your paper sheet music into the library, you can group them into programmes to play back during your performance. Having the library immediately at your fingertips provides an additional agility in reacting to those last minute changes choir directors so often spring on their musicians. We hope you enjoy this tool.

  • Full screen portrait and landscape rendering of sheet music images during performances.
  • Prepare for performances by creating programmes gathered from sheet music parts from your library.
  • Import images of your sheet music into the library and associate metadata.
Release date: 2013-08-22
Last update: 2019-01-29