Shopping List
Shopping List
Rating (2)
Reviews: 1
Category: Shopping


Shopping List is a simple and free application that allows you to quickly create a shopping list on your smartphone.
How does it work?

  1. Click in the “Add your usual Products” box
  2. Type the name of a product you often buy
    3)Then press the “Save” button
  3. Proceed in the same way to add other products
  4. Once all your products have been added, you can click on the “View List” button to make sure that all your products are there
  5. Otherwise, click on the “View my usual products” button and tick the boxes of the products you want to buy and click on “Save”.
  6. Return to home, then click on the “My Shopping List” button
  7. Here’s your shopping list is over!
  • shopping list shopping smartphone
Product ID: XPDP9D9JT141KQ
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01