Simple Chores
Simple Chores
Rating (3.2)
Reviews: 7
Category: Kids & family


From the company that brought you Simple Math Flash Cards, Simple Sight Words, and Simple United States comes “Simple Chores”. This app is, simply put, designed to track your children’s chores. You define the chores, you define the rate for the chore (be it a dollar amount value or “points”), and then you assign the chore and mark it as complete when it has been completed by your child. The app keeps track of the value earned from all chores and allows you to withdraw values from your child’s account when they want to “cash out”.
This app isn’t doesn’t have a dozen different screens with a thousand different options or force you to maintain complicated schedules. As you’ve come to expect from Vandy Limited, the interface is simple and intuitive. It gives you everything you need to track chores without all the fluff. The app has you four simple screens. The children, or main, screen allows you to track the chores of up to 9 children. Assign a unique image (from 12 images that your children will love) to each child from the child screen. From the screen you will also track all of their currently assigned chores and their most recent completed chores. Assign new chores from this screen as well. Also, view their total earned as well as their current balance. Funds can also been Withdrawn from this screen. The chores screen allows you to customize up to 30 different chores. Assign a unique image to each chore (from more than 50 images) from the chore screen. We don’t have the image you need? Choose from any of the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers 1-9. On this screen, you can also specify the rate that the chore is worth as well as a custom name.
There are some of us that are very organized and consistent when it comes to assigning chores to our children. They are to clean their room every other day, feed the cat twice a day, walk the dog once a week, and there is no question that the chores will be done as per the schedule. Allowance is the same every week and you always have that $3.50 in your wallet when it is time to reward your child. For the rest of us, however, it doesn’t really work that way. We tell our kids to empty the garbage only to look after they are in bed and it wasn’t done. We have soccer practice so they don’t walk the dog on Wednesday. It comes to their pay day and we don’t have any cash. They do a chore out of the ordinary and we forget about it. Simple Chores helps out all of these situations. Click, click, click, done.

  • Track up to 9 children with name and custom image
  • Define up to 30 custom chores with name, images, are rates
  • Assign, complete, and cancel chores
  • Track money earned, money withdrawn
  • Simple, easy to use interface, that is appealing to the eye
Product ID: XPDF2H1MD3Q636
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01