Rating (1)
Reviews: 2
Category: Utilities & tools
Quick collection of your own snippets, directly uploaded on the cloud
Effective and powerful search engine, retrieving snippets for private basket, team-mates knowledge, and public community
Preservation of proprietary knowledge
Retrieval of all the snippets matching the given search text, incoming from private basket, team-mates knowledge and public community
Simple navigation bar to easily surf inside the app
Implementation of search contract to enhance user experience also when not inside the app


Snip2Code is the ultimate tool for software developers: it makes the users collect, share and organize the code snippets they own in a simply and straightforward way, with a quick and effective search to recap them exactly at the right time, in the right place.
The user may create his own basket of snippets, or share and search for knowledge of team-mates, or even try to figure out the pearls of wisdom of the public community.
Enter in the Snip2Code community, and try to become the #1 snipper of the world!!!

  • code snippets collection
  • code snippet search
  • code snippet organization
  • team knowledge preservation
  • cloud-based management of code snippets
  • plugins available for Win8, MS Visual Studio, Eclipse and (coming soon) MAC OS X
Release date: 2012-10-15
Last update: 2019-01-29