Space Shuttle Missions
Space Shuttle Missions
Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Education
Display of mission launch, orbit, and landing details.
Display of crew members and their roles in the selected mission, plus link to NASA biography.


Space Shuttle Missions is a reference app on shuttle missions. For each mission it provides stats on launch, orbit, and landing, crew info, and the mission patch. It was designed to demonstrate the implementation of several UWP techniques:

-Data binding to an internal source of data
-Adapt to different screen sizes through the use of visual states: number of grids and patch image size varies with screen size
-Use of value converters to format various numeric items such as dates, timespans, etc.
-Use of pivot and pivot items to provide selectable content panels
-Use of grids and stack panels for layout
-Use of listview control to display multiple records of data
-Link to external content (crew member bios on NASA’s Web site)

  • Space shuttle mission launch, orbit, and landing info
  • Space shuttle mission crew info
Product ID: 9NBLGGH40GB4
Release date: 2016-11-24
Last update: 2019-02-01