Spanish Christian Hymns and Chords
Spanish Christian Hymns and Chords
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españoles cristianas Acordes

Easy Spanish musical chords and lyrics for traditional Christian hymns and spiritual songs

Fácil españolas musicales acordes y letras de tradicionales cristianos himnos y espirituales canciones

Algunas de estas canciones en español son excelentes coros de Domingo adoración de la mañana

Los españoles himnos se clasifican alfabéticamente por título. Algunos himnos se conocen por varios títulos de nombre

Los acordes de los himnos son generalmente estructurados de manera que los acordes se escriben encima de las palabras del himno donde los de acordes cambios

Some of these songs in Spanish make excellent choruses for Sunday morning worship

The Spanish hymns are categorized alphabetically by title. Some hymns are referred to by multiple name titles

The chords for the hymns are generally structured so that the chords are written above the words of the hymn where the chord changes

The format was selected to facilitate ease of playing from a music stand or similar setup

Get this App and play the most preferred hymns and holy songs authoritatively in Spanish

  • Spanish Christian Hymns and Chords
  • Fully optimized for all mobile device
  • Smooth streaming without buffering even in slow net connection.
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01