Stocker - Portfolio and Stocks management
Stocker - Portfolio and Stocks management Free
Rating (2.5)
Reviews: 28
Category: Personal finance
Detailed information about each portfolio
World Market Indices in one page
Check all your trades and calculate the total in your favourite currency
Dark and Light themes are available
Highly Configurable
Read the news about your stocks in portfolio and your favourite values.
Currency Converter included
Find everything easily and quickly
Side Menu for rapid navigation


Stocker is an application that lets you easily manage your portfolios in real time*.

You can easily find and store your favorite stocks and indices, furthermore you can add your portfolios with every move.

The application automatically calculates the actual value of the portfolio and displays it in an easy and intuitive graphics and controls that are adjusted depending on the size of the window.

A Currency Converter and the World Markets info are also available in the application.

It also lets you synchronize data between all devices in Windows 10 that you have installed. **

With the Live Tile Stocker you’ll always know the status of your portfolio without having to open any application.

In order to facilitate decision-making and to have more information about stocks, Stocker shows you the most relevant news about companies and indices have added in your portfolios and your favorites.

Something for everyone: Stocker has both a clear theme and a dark theme to suit your lifestyle.

Fully configurable: Decide how many decimal want to show you the application and the time interval in which the application updates the data while it is open. You can add the Maximum, Minimum and Average to the charts.

Interactive graphic: Select the time interval of interest, and the application will automatically generate the graph for you. Intervals available are: 1 day, 5 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years.

The trial version lets you use all the features of the application. The only limitations are:

  • Maximum 2 Portfolios.
  • Maximum 10 Movements (regardless of Portfolio).
  • Maximum 3 Favorites.
  • Ads.

This limitations can be unlocked by in-app purchases.

  • In some markets there may be a delay of between 15 and 20 minutes in the information.
    ** Synchronization is performed with OneDrive. You have to sign in with the same OneDrive account in all the devices you want to synchronize.
  • Synchronization between devices with One Drive
  • Fast stock market search
  • Ranged charts
  • Light / Dark theme
  • All Portfolios Live Tile
  • One Portfolio Live Tile
  • Currency Converter
  • World Indices
  • International Markets
Release date: 2016-05-23
Last update: 2023-05-09