Rating (2.4)
Reviews: 12
Category: Personal finance
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Import Stock
Stock Trending
Stock Valuation
Stock Forecasting
Stock Options
Equation Library
StockView Free


StockView comes with a Free Version and a Full Version. You can upgrade to the Full Version anytime after you have downloaded the Free Version.

StockView quick way to see and predict your stocks.

Stock Data is automatically imported for each stock , it takes less than a second.

This is the fastest and easiest to use Stock and Bond App you will ever see. Ninety nine percent (99%) of investors will want to use this app.

It is simple to use and provides the information you need to make the right decisions. You can instantly determine if a stock is over or under valued and forecast its value.

The app stores information in study cases for over 200 different stocks in 200 separate study cases. You can recall and update each save case.

Import stock data. You enter the symbol and it retrieves the stock data from Yahoo finance. It imports the latest data as a snapshot and stock price historical data. Up to 25 days of price history can be retrieved. Data for the DOW , NASDAQ or S&P 500 is also retrieved for later use.

Historical data using trending. On this display you can see the average , high and low statistical limit of the price of the stock at close. You can also see how closely it follows either the DOW , NASDAQ or S&P 500 from the graphical plots. The app also computes the statistical correlation of how the stock has followed the market over the time periods displayed.

Stock Valuation function to predict the future value of the stock. This is a one-step valuation and uses the mathematical valuation formulas to predict the value. On this display you may enter your expected growth for the stock and your required rate of return for the stock.

Forecasting. You can use forecasting theory to study the future value of the stock. This is based on statistical models for forecasting. There are seven models you may use. You can also add your own future data of where you think the stock may go in the future and re-forecast to see the impact of added points. Alternatively you can delete points. The forecasting algorithms reforecast against historical data and then forecast into the future.

The package also contains a full featured scientific and financial calculator and an equation library of formulas that serves as a reference for calculations. You can add your own equations to the library.

Once you have studied a particular stock, you can switch to another save case and your previous study case will be saved. You can later recall the case at any time.

Privacy Statement

The Information We Collect:
This notice applies to all information input into this app. The information input is used to support the user requested calculations locally within this application only. Also, within this application the user can request financial data from the internet and this data is used locally within the app to perform financial calculations.

The Way We Use Information:
We use the information you provide to perform calculations within the application. We do not share this information; this information is only used with the app to perform calculations.

  • Import Stock Data in seconds.
  • One step Stock Valuation.
  • Forecasting Stock Prices using seven different techniques
  • Stock Trending and Statistical analysis
  • Stock Option Valuation
  • Contains both a Scientific and a Advanced Financial Calculator
  • An extensive equation library is included covering algebra, finance, geometry, physics, trig and business applications containing over 80 equations
  • You can add, edit and save your own equations in the library
  • Can Save Study cases in over 200 save cases. Can handle up to 200 different stock scenarios
Release date: 2012-12-13
Last update: 2019-01-31