Street Sign Inventory
Street Sign Inventory
Rating (1)
Reviews: 1
Category: Navigation & maps
App's map with a number of signs already entered.
View mode displays information about the sign clicked on in the map.
Page used to add or edit sign information.  The auto suggest box looks up the sign type as the user types.
If the click point cannot be associated with a single sign, the user picks the desired one.
Confirmation of sign deletion.


Street Sign Inventory is a mapping app designed for field entry of sign data. The app contains a partial extract of the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) from which the user selects signs. Sign data is stored in a JSON file which can be copied from the app’s local storage for further processing.

This app was written by Comprehensive Custom Software, LLC, to demonstrate implementation of UWP-related techniques:
(1) Use of CommandBar and related AppBarButton, AppBarToggleButton, and AppBarSeparator
(2) Custom BitmapIcon for the Scene button
(3) ContentDialog for displaying sign information
(4) File copy with completion Toast notification
(5) AutoSuggestBox for display of sign matches based on user
(6) Creation of a JSON file for data storage and transfer
(7) Data CRUD (create/read/update/delete) functionality
(8) Several MapControl features, including positioning, zooming in and out, adding MapIcons (points) symbolized by sign condition, use of geocoding to get map position, responding to holding and tapping on map, display of aerial imagery, use of light/dark map schemes

  • Collection of street/traffic sign data
  • Implementation of MUTCD database
  • Mapping functionality in UWP app
  • CRUD (create/read/update/delete) data fuctions
Product ID: 9P4S7KP0SGDT
Release date: 2017-01-08
Last update: 2019-02-01