Synchronicity Tool
Synchronicity Tool
Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Entertainment
Synchronicity Tool


– Looks for number syncs in the current time code
– Looks for number syncs in the current geographic code (requires GPS)

The system also generates a random hex color each time. It look for the numbers in the color code each time as well.

In order to make things more interesting, I have included reverse matching for the total. If you have a palindrome total such as 414, it won’t be counted as 2 events as per the odds, however, a total such as 330 will trigger the reverse matching algorithm if 033 is found in the random numbers. Note: the reverse total will appear in purple highlight. Let me know what you think!

Product ID: 9P6CB1ZJ7XPN
Release date: 2017-01-09
Last update: 2019-01-29