Treble Clef Kids - The Bass Clef
Treble Clef Kids - The Bass Clef
Rating (5)
Reviews: 2
Category: Education


Treble Clef Kids – The Bass Clef is an interactive and educational way for kids and adults to learn the basics of music theory. The interactive playing of the piano encourages students to seek the correct answer through the sound of applause, while providing quirky sounds for wrong answers without penalty. Treble Clef Kids – The Bass Clef teaches the user to read notes on a musical staff in a logical, guided way, progressively building upon the skills learned through multiple lessons.

  • Lessons that combine the note presented, the name of the note asked for, and the location of the note on the staff
  • Additional lessons that remove the note names from the piano keyboard
  • Advanced lessons challenge the student without the aid of the letter name
Product ID: XPFCWM57C9FWX2
Release date: 0001-01-01
Last update: 0001-01-01