Rating (2.8)
Reviews: 11
Category: Productivity


The VideoPrompter takes teleprompting to the super level.

Imagine a slick teleprompter app, with a fully-adjustable floating script box, that prompts you to read the next word. Next, imagine having access to a video editor that lets you enrich your recording with multimedia content in real-time, from the same ergonomically designed single-screen interface. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Imagine that this app lets you record videos in languages that you don’t speak, and that it adds crisp-looking captions!

This is the fully redesigned and upgraded version of VideoPrompter by

Producing a presentation video in German for example, or a knowledge video, is not just effortless but also fun, even if you don’t speak a word of German!

Simply import into the app an article in German, enable robotic speech, click Record, and quietly read each prompted word. Not only will your viewers assume that it is you narrating the article, but your narration will also be complemented with crisp-looking captions that display as you speak them. Hopefully, you can see the potential with this.

Let’s say that you want to build a niche Youtube channel. Why buy expensive video editing software, or pay recurring fees, when you can accomplish the same level of success with the VideoPrompter?

And as if this were not enough, the VideoPrompter provides powerful Video Editing functionality with a few clicks. You can add intro and outro videos, logos, and background audio to your recorded video in no time. These can be custom or predefined. You can also richly decorate the segment of your narration with mini videos and images in any of nine locations within the main video area. They can appear in one or more locations simultaneously, or in all nine separated by a small interval, creating an attractive strobe-like effect.

Download and install the VideoPrompter, and watch the 9-minute tutorial. The app offers a 24-hour trial period before it can be purchased. It is an app that should not be absent from the tools arsenal of any serious video marketer, or influencer.

  • Can import content from files of type doc, rtf, html, xml, txt & pdf.
  • Has floating and fully-adjustable script box.
  • Prompting is done at the word level, as each successive word is highlighted.
  • Substitutes voice with robotic speech, that sounds natural.
  • Supports the addition of intro, outro and during-recording multimedia content.
  • Video can be previewed and rendered.
  • An onboard video tutorial explains fully the app's functionality.
Product ID: 9NZ5WS3Z9F2X
Release date: 2017-01-27
Last update: 2022-03-12