VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces * Free
Rating (4.1)
Reviews: 16
Category: Multimedia design
VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces *
VORTEK Spaces *


With VORTEK Spaces interior designers, kitchen & bath designers and architects can turn projects into a live high-quality 3D interactive experience in no time.

Design with your favorite CAD software, sell with VORTEK Spaces.

Use VORTEK Spaces to load your SketchUp or Cabinet Vision project, add lights and select your materials. You’re done in minutes.

  • Limitless showroom
  • Live interactive 360 walkthrough
  • Instant material changes
  • High-quality material library
  • Live interactive lighting control
  • 360 interactive viewing on your tablet
  • Native touch screen support
  • Custom waypoints
  • Shareable screenshots, video captures, 360 video captures
  • Easy sharing through email or social networks (including YouTube)
  • Sketch, bloom and many other camera effects

For more information:
[email protected]
or visit www.vortekexperience.com/shop

Demonstration videos and tutorials:

Product ID: 9PBHCT968D4B
Release date: 2018-11-21
Last update: 2023-12-13