Wild World of Wonder Ag
Wild World of Wonder Ag
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Category: Education
GMO Cafe
Agriculture Solutions in China
Genetic Engineering with Wendy
Save the Bees
Sustainable Farming and the Super Weed
Inside the Lab


The villain is a super weed, the bees need saving and a magical cafe serves up genetic engineering. Science is everywhere in this immersive and amazing trip through the work scientists are doing to genetically change organisms. Thinking Frankenstein? Well, we look at the facts of what it’s all about including the good and the bad. At the GMO Cafe, you are served up genetically modified foods with an explanation of the purpose for each change. In the animated surround-you short, Save the Bees, we learn about the challenges bees are facing due to natural and unnatural changes in our world. And of course, Wendy the Science Teacher, explains the fascinating basics of genetic engineering in her special way that makes everything clearly understandable. As always, Next Gen Science standards are satisfied, in this case, related to biotechnology.

  • A villainous super weed takes center stage in the first story
  • Order food at a magical cafe that only serves genetically modified foods with an explanation of how each one is modified and for what purpose
  • National runner-up teacher of the year, Wendy the Science Teacher, takes the mystery out of genetic engineering
  • Step into a surround-you animation as learn about the natural and unnatural risks to bees
  • Next Gen Science Standards are satisfied in the field of biotechnology
Product ID: 9PKQDS4M173G
Release date: 2018-04-11
Last update: 2022-03-12