WorkAtNight - Brightness Below Minimum
WorkAtNight - Brightness Below Minimum
Rating (5)
Reviews: 1
Category: Business
WorkAtNight - Brightness Below Minimum
WorkAtNight - Brightness Below Minimum
WorkAtNight - Brightness Below Minimum


Ever been annoyed at how bright your display is, even at it’s lowest? WorkAtNight solves that problem!

With WorkAtNight, you can lower your display brightness to levels lower than the minimum. It also supports multiple displays so that you can dim external displays with just the click of a button.

The app is extremely lightweight and very easy to use. Now you can continue working late at night, when your eyes start getting tired, and even allow those around you that want to sleep without the glaring brightness.

Product ID: 9PL6P6ZHL1L7
Release date: 2022-08-17
Last update: 2023-02-03