Sensory CineFX
App details
About Sensory CineFX
A fun photo effects app for all with 30 cinema style effects. Transform the camera view into a moving Hall of Mirrors, add funky psychedelic colours and swirl effects. Appear to stand in fire, rain, snow and under water – all dynamic effects. CineFx yourself, your pet or your friends. This app requires a Webcam on your computer.
Bluetooth Switch Box Compatibility for Switch access;
CineFX is a switch accessible app and can be used by Bluetooth switch users. CineFx can be controlled by assistive technology switches that produce character codes (1, 2, 3, 4 & ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4) – all produce different changes. On the PC and Web App, Keys 1,2,3 and 4 control the different effects.
Key features
Video Effects
Switch Accessible and Controllable
Camera Video Effects
Fun Viewing App