Crossword Maker

Crossword Maker

Crossword Maker
Crossword Maker
Crossword Maker

App details

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About Crossword Maker

In education, you can’t choose to omit some vocabulary words for arbitrary reasons, so neither should your software. This Crossword Maker makes sure that every single one of your vocabulary or spelling words makes it into the puzzle every time.

It instantly assembles and formats your puzzle so it looks great, saving you valuable time.

You can use your crossword puzzles in several ways, ranging from printing to web-friendly PDF files and image files. You can even use your puzzles commercially.

Key features

  • Automatically assembles all of your words and clues into a single crossword puzzle. No omissions.
  • A checkbox adds a word bank. You can choose from several prepared formats or customize as you please.
  • Works with any characters from any language. Even if your keyboard can't type them you can still past them.
  • Creates web-friendly puzzles in PDF files or great-looking graphics images.
  • Multi-word answers can be shown in grid as running together (traditional) or word boundaries can be shown by a heavy line or by a grayed out square.
  • Answer words in the grid can be treated as being all capitals (traditional) or all lower case, or mixed case exactly as you provided.
  • Creates puzzles that can be exported to other software. Use as you please with no royalties or additional permission required.
  • Makes a puzzle out of as many answer/clue pairs as you are willing to squeeze onto a page. You won't run into an arbitrary limit.