Cliff Watson EPG Program

Cliff Watson EPG Program

Options Menu for "VCR Item" and "TitanTV" buttons on Scheduled Items tab
Main control panel for Schedules Direct capture setup
Schedules Direct Match Filter Options menu
Capture History display and menu for playing captured files in default system video player
Channel mapping menu for Schedules Direct lineup
Example of Schedules Direct lineup selection menu
Properties display of HDHR tuner

App details

Release date


Last update


Product ID




About Cliff Watson EPG Program

The Cliff Watson Electronic Program Guide (CW_EPG) works cooperatively with the HDHomeRun tuner units to improve your television-scheduling and schedule-viewing experience. (See User Manual for instructions to acquire Java Runtime Environment for full functionality) It is designed to use Schedules Direct EPG listings, but also can schedule captures via TitanTV or by time, channel, and tuner as on a VCR.

CW_EPG downloads from the international Schedules Direct JSON database a complete catalog of television shows for all your channels for the next 18 days (the “EPG”). The database currently includes antenna and cable schedules for most of the Western Hemisphere and Western Europe as well as Australia. Not yet included are Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe (sorry). You can view that information in the CW_EPG app and easily schedule recordings manually, but that’s just the beginning.

You can have CW_EPG automatically update the EPG listings daily and use the current data to schedule recordings automatically on all your network-connected tuners. The scheduled recordings are based on matches to the list of shows that you provide via the CW_EPG control panel. In other words, CW_EPG gives you “season passes” to record all your favorite shows.

After installing the app you will find Start Menu items to (1) a QuickStart document to guide you through configuration and (2) a 20-page User Manual with full descriptions of operations.

Key features

  • Manage scheduled events for HDHR tuners to give you a convenient single interface to manage your scheduled recordings.
  • Events are scheduled to all tuners based on the priorities you have defined.
  • If subscribed, CW_EPG works with Schedules Direct antenna and cable channel listings in North America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Australia
  • The end result is a standard transport-stream file, playable by most video hardware and software today