Family Health Records

Family Health Records

Member Details Page
Medical record details page
Treatment details page
Vitals page
Settings page, add member, physician, allergies, contacts
Live tiles

App details

Release date


Last update


Product ID



Health & fitness

About Family Health Records

“Your health records. At your finger tips.”
Family Health Records makes it easy to store and track all your medical information in one accessible and secure location. You can now create personal health profile for each of your family members, set reminders so that you never miss your medicine dose or a doctor’s appointment.

“Your health history. On the Go.”
Family Health Records makes your medical history portable and available whenever you need it - whether in case of emergency or visiting your doctor, away from home.

“Be prepared. By knowledgeable.”
Need to know whom to contact in case of emergency? Need to inform past procedures and allergies? Family Health Records helps you easily find the information you want, right now.

Family Health Records app allows you -

  1. Track body vitals like - height,weight, blood pressure, blood sugar ,cholesterol, body temperature, pulse rate. (Need to share vital information, pdf or print out).
  2. Track doctor visits (medical record), medications, payment details, treatments, allergies.
    3.To maintain your insurance information,emergency contact information so that its quickly available.

Key features

  • Track body vitals like height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate, blood sugar and cholestrol
  • Maintain Medications History - Medicine name and dosage, reason of taking medication and physician
  • Allergies- Maintain allergy data - reactions, severity and date diagnosed on
  • Systematically track your Medical Records and treatment details
  • Export your treaments, medical records , vital history as PDF and email/share/show to your physician.