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About IsoKeys

IsoKeys™ is an isomorphic musical keyboard, which can function as a wireless MIDI controller. All intervals, chords, and scales have identical patterns in IsoKeys, regardless of the key in which one plays. Similar in spirit to Musix for the iPad, IsoKeys provides a starter isomorphic keyboard to Android users.

Isomorphic (also known as “consistent-interval”) keyboards are easier for many people to learn than piano keyboards. Theoretically, IsoKeys can reduce the time required to learn scales, chords, intervals, and arpeggios by more than 92%. This is because on an isomorphic keyboard, once the fingering for, say, an individual major scale is mastered, this same fingering pattern may immediately be used to play any major scale. Instead of 12 major scales to learn, the IsoKeys player only needs to learn one. Instead of twelve minor-seventh chords, only one. Instead of twelve variants of any particular rudiment, only one.

Skilled pianists spend long hours working on such rudimentary elements. IsoKeys therefore promises to reduce the time required for you to move from beginner to expressive musician.

IsoKeys currently supports Sonome (Harmonic Table), Jammer (Wicki-Hayden), and Janko layouts, and it is polyphonic on devices that support multitouch.

With the addition of the paid “OSC/MIDI over WiFi” feature, IsoKeys can turn your Android device into an isomorphic MIDI controller.

IsoKeys delivers the power of isomorphic keyboards to all Android users. But some patience is needed in the beginning. There are a lot of buttons, including redundant buttons, in IsoKeys. Take your time and let the patterns emerge.

To improve the quality of our application, we reserve the right to track and report user activity inside IsoKeys. All data collected will be anonymous. We respect your privacy and will not collect any information to identify you personally.

Tuning Bell™ and IsoKeys™ are trademarks of Tuning Bell Studios.

Key features

  • Alternative to the piano keyboard with a gentler learning curve
  • Three different layouts to try (Sonome, Jammer, and Janko)
  • Highly configurable
  • Free ad-supported version
  • OSC/MIDI support and other features available for purchase