Location Bookmarker

Location Bookmarker

If you want search route, it is easy.
At first, you right-click on start location in the map, and do it destination location too
When you search for a route, the main location and the directions are listed.
This result is generally the same result as the standard Maps of Windows10.
You can "Bookmarked" location easily.
Bookmarked location can use to search route.
Search location by keyword is easily too.

App details

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About Location Bookmarker

This application allows you to easily “bookmark” a point on the map.
And, you can search for driving directions that connect easily its two locations simply by specifying the two locations on the map.
In recent years the map application for mobile, must find the location of the name and address in order to find the route.
I simply want to specify the two places in the map, we developed this application.
And this application can be easily bookmark specified location.
Then, the bookmark location can also be easily specified as departure point or destination to search a route.

Key features

  • Specify the two locations on the map, easy to search for directions