Love Calculator

Love Calculator


App details

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About Love Calculator

Love Calculator uses a unique combination of first name and last name to calculate the compatibility between you and your partner/desired partner. This calculator is not just meant for your love partner but can also be used to calculate the compatibility between you and your friends, your family, etc. The app uses advanced algorithms to calculate the love compatibility.

Feature include :

  1. Uses advanced algorithm that uses a combination of first name and last name for more precision.
  2. Get instant results. No waiting.
  3. Share you results with every possible platform - sms, whatsapp, facebook, skype, twitter and many many more.
  4. Simple and easy to use interface.

If you have suggestions/feedback about the app then do write to us at - [email protected]

Do give use a 5-star rating to keep supporting our development work.

Note : This is an ad supported application and requires internet permission for the same. This app is intended to increase the intimacy in a relation and not break it.

Key features

  • 1. Uses advanced algorithm that uses a combination of first name and last name for more precision.
  • 2. Get instant results. No waiting.
  • 3. Share you results with every possible platform - sms, whatsapp, facebook, skype, twitter and many many more.
  • 4. Simple and easy to use interface.