

Dark Mode, Compact, Pinned
Dual View
Dark Mode, Dual View
Dark Mode, Compact View
Wide View

App details

Release date


Last update


Product ID




About M₁₀

Messenger₁₀ is an unofficial Facebook web messenger and WhatsApp web client designed and built specifically for Windows 10. It uses Windows 10’s new notifications/action centre to seamlessly inform you of new Facebook and WhatsApp messages, which can be clicked to directly reply.

There are 3 adjustable, persistent viewports (use the Reset button on the bottom app bar to reset), and a toggleable dark mode allowing you to choose a level of prominence on your screen depending upon your current workload. There is also full Windows Explorer drag & drop support dual view Facebook/WhatsApp support (see screenshots) to complete your Facebook Inc. derived instant messaging needs.

*** If you dismiss the initial WhatsApp QR notification, turn WhatsApp support on by clicking the bottom app bar and selecting the phone (WhatsApp) icon. Make sure you have Windows notifications enabled. ***

There are no adverts, the interface is clean and the app makes use of Windows 10’s native features for styling, rendering and notifications. There is a small charge to cover the costs incurred in me obtaining a developer license for the Windows store.

Please contact me if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions: [email protected]

Key features

  • Switch quickly to WhatsApp and back
  • Dual Messenger & WhatsApp view
  • Full drag & drop support to attach images or other files to messages
  • Native Windows 10 notifications
  • Dark mode for night-time conversations
  • Configurable viewports to work with Messenger's responsive design