Money Goal

Money Goal

Save a Regular Amount
Visual chart of your savings over time
Grid showing all deposits to your goal
Save Towards a Goal
Money Goal

App details

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Product ID



Personal finance

About Money Goal

“It takes as much energy to make a wish as it does to make a plan”

Money Goal is a simple short term savings calculator to quickly get you going with your next savings goal. Multiple calculators to help get on with planning your next savings goal.

Save a regular amount - Put away a regular amount and see how much you will save after a certain amount of time.

Save towards a goal - Got an amount you want to reach? Calculate how much you have to put away at recurring intervals to reach that goal.

Key features

  • Save a regular amount
  • Save towards a goal
  • Visual chart showing your journey to your goal
  • Grid showing recurring payments and dates
  • Calculate Savings Goal