Morse Code And Sound Generator

Morse Code And Sound Generator

Main page: Encode, decode International Morse Code. Play or save the given text as Morse Code sound.
Knowledge page: check available International Morse Code characters

App details

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Utilities & tools

About Morse Code And Sound Generator

Generate International Morse Code easily with this app. Non valid characters are automatically removed from the typed text. Using ‘.’ and ‘-’ you can type Morse Code messages and you can decode them to normal text. Use clipboard to share text or Morse Code.
Listen to the created Morse Code by playing it immediatelly or save it as .wav sound files for later use. Morse sound is generated in realtime its parameters can be adjusted so you can created individual morse sound files with customized dit and dah length, frequency and volume.
On the second page you can check and listen the available International Morse Codes for characters.

Key features

  • Encode Morse Code
  • Decode Morse Code
  • Play Morse Code sound
  • Save Morse Code sound
  • Customize the sound of Morse Code
  • Check International Morse Code characters