Net Worth Tracker

Net Worth Tracker

Net Worth Tracker - Line chart
Net Worth Tracker - Area chart
Net Worth Tracker - Bar graph

App details

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Product ID



Personal finance

About Net Worth Tracker

Simple Net Worth tracker.
Are your finances on track? Net worth is a single most comprehensive gauge of how you are doing financially. Tracking your net worth is like giving yourself a grade every month and helps keep your spending/savings for the month accountable.
Calculating net worth is essentially synthesizing all aspects of your personal finances into a single number. To calculate your net worth, take every asset you can possibly think of and subtract all the various sources of debt, and there it is a number in black and white.
Monitoring your progress (or lack of it) is especially important during challenging times like these.
Net Worth Tracker will help you see where you are and track your progress over time.

Key features

  • 10 minutes a month money management
  • Quick overview of your financial situation
  • See where you are and track your financial progress over time.