

Shows arrivals right on the map. If you accidentally hit more than one stop with your finger, it shows arrivals for both stops.
Get detailed information for any bus stop.
Never carry around paper timetables again! You can download bus schedules, then use the app offline the same way you normally would. You'll just get scheduled arrivals instead of real-time arrivals.
Get details on a specific route, including a map of the route and the stops it serves.
In a small window, or snapped in tablet mode, you get the same experience as you do on a phone.
Every page makes full use of the full screen space, but adapts when you shrink the window down to show you one part of the page at a time.

App details

Release date


Last update


Product ID



Navigation & maps

About OneAppAway

OneAppAway is a Windows 10 client for OneBusAway that has additional features. This app works on Windows 10 PCs and phones. In addition to most of the features of the official OneBusAway apps, OneAppAway allows you to download maps for offline use, it has more data saving features that you can enable, and presents data in a useful and Windows 10-like style. Once you download offline maps to your device in settings, those offline maps can be used in OneAppAway as well. This is the initial release, and I am still working on extra features for future releases. If there’s a feature you would like to see, tell me and I’ll consider it.

Key features

  • View real-time arrival data for a bus stop.
  • View a full schedule for a bus stop.
  • Supports all agencies in the Puget Sound area that OneBusAway supports.
  • View details for a stop or route.
  • Download schedules to your device so you can use the app offline. (Make sure you also download offline maps on your device for this to work properly)
  • You can enable features that save data, useful for smartphone plans with low data amounts.