

Clear menu
Choose which items you want to buy where / can
Sort order submission of the article how the goods in the shop are arranged according to the order
Create your shopping list quickly and easily
The shopping list includes only goods from this shop, in the order as you can find them in the store.

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About ShoppingPal

It is easy to create shopping list. You can make a note into OneNote or a ToDo list, or the good old paper.
All these options have the following disadvantages: if I buy a go to store A also the goods for loading B are on the list, unless the I create multiple shopping list. A shopping list is also often an unordered collection of entries. When running through the store must you constantly go through the list from top to bottom to forget anything.
ShoppingPal should help here. If you go into a store, you get displayed only the articles you’ve previously associated this store also. Also you can make goods groups, that the articles in the order that appear as you find you when walking through the store.
A small example:
Shop A is fruit & vegetable stand near the entrance, the frozen goods are just before checkout. In Shop B’s is the opposite. By sorting the goods groups she will be shown the first fruit & vegetables in loading A, while you only get the frozen goods in Shop B.

Key features