Smiling Faces –SNS Photos

Smiling Faces –SNS Photos

Smiling faces(photos) from Instagram feed, and the front page '1' you can see first after installing my app. If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.
The page with home menu(buttons of hamburger menu) you can see first after installing my app.
Smiling faces(photos) from Flickr and Twitter feed. The front page '2' you can see after installing my app. (If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.)
Smile(photos) from Instagram and Flickr feed. The front page '3' you can see after installing my app. (If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.)
Smile(photos) from Twitter feed, and Smile Time(photos) form Instagram feed. The front page '4' you can see after installing my app. (If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.)
Smile Time(photos) form Flickr and Twitter feed. The front page '5' you can see after installing my app. (If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.)
Feedback mechanism(my E-mail and Website) for my app users
Contents of "Smile from Instagram feed" (If clicking the picture(small) you can see it in full screen mode.)

App details

Release date


Last update


Product ID




About Smiling Faces –SNS Photos

“Smiling Faces – SNS Photos” ( SNS = Social Network Service )
“笑脸 - SNS的照片”
“웃는 얼굴 사진들 – SNS 피드로부터 보여짐”
"Улыбающихся лиц - SNS Фотографии"
"Rostos Sorridentes - SNS Fotos“
"Smiling Faces - SNS Photos“
"Rostros sonrientes - SNS Fotos“
"Smiling Faces - SNS Fotos“
"Smiling Faces - SNS Foto“
“笑臉 - SNS的照片”
“笑顔を - SNSの写真を
"Smiling Faces - SNS zdjęcia“
"Tersenyum Faces - Foto SNS"
"ใบหน้ายิ้ม - ภาพถ่าย SNS“

◯ Name of the app : Smiling Faces –SNS Photos

◯ Complete written description of the app : Described below

◯ The app’s version number : v16.2.3.0

◯ Summary details about the latest updates/features :
- Include latest photos and videos(all about ‘Smiling Faces’) from various SNS feeds, daily, easily.

◯ A feedback mechanism for my users, such as my contact information (via email and/or website) :

 If you have question any, e-mail me to     [email protected]    , or you can contact me though clicking MenuActions within '6th section'(Feedback mechanism for user).         

◯ A minimum of four compelling screenshots that fully represent my app along with its benefits & features :
Added a ‘Description’ on the Windows Store and the Windows Phone Store page. :)

◯ Complete written description of my app :
● Anyone viewing pictures any in this app will be happy and say,
“Are you ready? ^-^;; Say cheese!”
- This app is consisted of ‘smiling face photos’ from various SNS feeds. :)
- “SNS feeds” = Photos from Instagram and Twitter and Flickr feeds = All Photos about ‘Smiling Faces.’ ^-^;;
- “Have a great day with this app~!!!”
- I hope you happy with my work.
- Thank you. :)

 ● 任何人观看任何在此应用程序的图片会很高兴,说:

“你准备好了吗? ^ - ^;;笑一笑!“
      - 这个程序是从不同的SNS包括“笑脸照片”的饲料。 :)
      - “SNS饲料”=照片来自Instagram的和Twitter和Flickr供稿=所有照片关于^‘笑脸’ - ^;;
      - “有一个伟大的一天,这个程序〜!”
      - 我希望你满意我的工作。
      - 谢谢。 :)

 ● Любой просмотра снимков любой в этом приложении будут счастливы и сказать,

"Ты готов? ^ - ^;; Улыбнитесь! "
      - Это приложение состоит из “улыбающееся лицо фотографии” из различных SNS каналы. :)
      - “SNS каналы” = Фотографии из Instagram и Twitter и Flickr каналы = фотографий о ^ улыбаются. '- ^;;
      - “Есть великий день с этим приложением ~ !!!”
      - Я надеюсь, что вы счастливы с моей работой.
      - Спасибо. :)

● SNS에서 매일같이 전해주는 웃음이 넘쳐나는 사진을 앱 하나로 감상하실 수 있습니다. 
 - PC나 윈도우폰에서 이 앱을 열어보세요. 잠깐 동안이나마 그들의 웃음이 우리들에게 전해지는 것이 느껴지실 겁니다. 
 - 그럼 이렇게 말할 준비가 되겠죠.
 - “그래 오늘 하루도 파이팅이다.” 
 - 그럼 폰을 꺼내 이렇게 셀카를 찍어���는 거예요. 
 - “김치~” 찰칵!(←사진 찍는 소리)
 - 간단한 ����이지만 이 앱을 통해 앱에 대한 좋은 사용자 경험을 느껴보시기를 바래봅니다. 
 - 오늘 하루도 행복한 하루되세요~ 파이팅~!!!

◯ 1st Details about the latest updates/features :
♥ 앱을 예쁘게 만들었습니다. 나름 정성껏 만들었으니 많이 봐주세요~ 이 앱은 윈도우10에서도 잘 됩니다. 물론 윈도우 8.1에선 더 잘 되겠죠. ^^;;
♥ Designed for : Colorful, Creative.
♥ Convenient Features - “Page extras”
- Text To Speech, Share Text, Pin To Start, Go to source
♥ Compatible with : Windows 10 & 8.1
♥ 该应用程序整齐地再次进行。请仔细看他创造了很多它自己 - 这个程序是很好的Windows10。 In’ll���然更好的Windows8.1。 :)
♥ Приложение аккуратно застелена снова. Пожалуйста, посмотрите внимательно создано ему много своих - это приложение также на Windows 10. In’ll, конечно, лучше Windows 8.1. :)

◯ 2nd Details about the latest updates/features :
▶ SNS 사진 감상, SNS Pictures appreciation, 图片欣赏, Фотографии оценка, Fotos apreciação, Photos appréciation, Bilder Schätzung, Fotos aprecio, Foto apprezzamento, 圖片欣賞, 写真の鑑賞

Thank you~
谢谢 :)

● Cualquier persona ve las imágenes de cualquier en esta aplicación será feliz y decir:

"Estás listo? ^ - ^;; Diga el queso! "
      - Esta aplicación está formado por ‘sonriendo fotos cara’ de varios SNS alimenta. :)
      - “SNS alimenta” = Fotografías de Instagram y Twitter y Flickr alimenta = Todas las fotos sobre ^ ‘rostros sonrientes.’ - ^;;
      - “Tiene un gran día con esta aplicación ~ !!!”
      - Espero que feliz con mi trabajo.
      - Gracias. :)

● Qualquer visualizar imagens em qualquer este aplicativo irá ser feliz e dizer:

"Você está pronto? ^ - ^;; Diga o queijo! "
      - Este aplicativo é composta de ‘sorrindo fotos Face’ de vários SNS feeds. :)
      - “SNS” = alimenta as Fotos do Instagram e Twitter e Flickr alimenta = Todas as Fotos sobre ^ 'rostos sorridentes. "- ^;;
      - “Tenha um ótimo dia com este app ~ !!!”
      - Eu espero que você feliz com o meu trabalho.
      - Obrigado. :)

● Toute la visualisation des photos tout dans ce soft sera heureux et dire,

"Êtes-vous prêt? ^ - ^;; Dites “cheese!”
      - Cette application est composée de «sourire des photos de visage 'de divers SNS nourrit. :)
      - “SNS” = nourrit les photos de Instagram et Twitter et Flickr nourrit = Toutes les photos sur les ^ ‘Smiling Faces.’ - ^;;
      - “Passez une bonne journée avec ce soft ~ !!!”
      - Je vous souhaite heureux avec mon travail.
      - Merci. :)

● Jeder, Betrachten von Bildern in jeder dieser App werden glücklich sein und sagen:

"Bist du bereit? ^ - ^;; Sagen Sie Käse! "
      - Diese App ist der “lächelnde Gesicht Fotos” aus verschiedenen SNS bestand Feeds. :)
      - “SNS-Feeds” = Fotos von Instagram und Twitter und Flickr-Feeds = Alle Fotos zu ^ 'lächelnden Gesichtern. "- ^;;
      - “Haben Sie einen großen Tag mit dieser App ~ !!!”
      - Ich hoffe, dass Sie mit meiner Arbeit zufrieden.
      - Vielen Dank. :)

● Chiunque visualizzazione di immagini qualsiasi in questa applicazione sarà felice e dire,

"Siete pronti? ^ - ^;; Di 'Cheese! "
      - Questa applicazione è composta da ‘sorridente foto del fronte’ da diversi SNS feed. :)
      - “SNS feed” = le foto da Instagram e Twitter e Flickr alimenta = tutte le foto su ^ ‘Smiling Faces.’ - ^;;
      - “Hanno un grande giorno con questa applicazione ~ !!!”
      - Spero che felice con il mio lavoro.
      - Grazie. :)

● 任何人觀看任何在此應用程序的圖片會很高興,說:

“你準備好了嗎? ^ - ^;;笑一笑!“
      - 這個程序是從不同的SNS包括“笑臉照片”的飼料。 :)
      - “SNS飼料”=照片來自Instagram的和Twitter和Flickr供稿=所有照片關於^‘笑臉’ - ^;;
      - “有一個偉大的一天,這個程序〜!”
      - 我希望你滿意我的工作。
      - 謝謝。 :)

● 任意のこのアプリで写真を閲覧する誰もが幸せになると言うだろう、

"準備はできましたか? ^ - ^;;チーズを言います!」
      - このアプリは様々なSNSから「顔写真を笑顔」から構成されているフィード。 :)
      - InstagramのやTwitterから=写真」をSNSフィード」とFlickrは約=すべての写真をフィード^ ‘笑顔’ - ^;;
      - "〜このアプリで素晴らしい一日を!」
      - 私は私の仕事とあなたが幸せ願っています。
      - ありがとう。 :)

  END 끝 结束

Key features

  • SNS Pictures appreciation, 图片欣赏, Фотографии оценка, एसएनएस चित्र सर, Fotos apreciação, Photos appréciation, Bilder Schätzung, Gambar SNS penghargaan, Fotos aprecio, Foto apprezzamento, 圖片欣賞, SNS 사진 감상