The moon and you

The moon and you

The moon and you
The moon and you
The moon and you

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About The moon and you

The moon, as the satellite of the earth, goes around the Zodiac (of the world) in one month. More exactly in 28 to 29 days. The long annual path of the Earth among the twelve constellations, the Moon travels in one month only. This is how it represents the mobility of the soul, the changing moods of everyday life, but also the sensory experience that shapes people.
Because of this, the astrological sign that it occupies at birth is an important key to describe and understand the emotional life.

On the other hand, as a symbol of motherhood, the Moon represents mother and birth, but also the past, both by childhood memories and by the sometimes hidden links connecting past generations.

It is the sign of the subconscious and hidden feelings.

Key features

  • Calculation of the moon position at birth
  • Calculation of the same birth position of the moon for a new present or future date