Thousands of Quotes

Thousands of Quotes


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About Thousands of Quotes

Provide thousands quotes from many categories quotes including life, love, romance, inspirational, motivational, adaptation, answers, hope, vision, Hiv Aids, America, Human Being, Cooperation, Children, Power, Career, Planning, leadership, Sportivity, time, wisdom, Advices, dreams, educational, faith, religion, value, fashion, friendship, relationship, activism, creativity, love, politics, law and policy, humor, success, happiness, funny, positive and much more categories

Provides quotes from famous public figure including barrack Obama, Albert Einstein, Aristotle, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and more hundreds famous public figure are included.

Note: for totally update

  1. First, download and install update.
  2. Remove/delete or clear data. Go to setting > apps > choose thousands of quotes apps > clear data.
  3. Finish

Key features

  • The features of this quotes android app:
  • 1. Easy to Search quotes by categories, by authors, by quotes or by keyword from search menu
  • 2. Always get reminder and notification about quote of the day
  • 3. Update and adding quotes periodically as soon as
  • 4. Hundreds of Authors
  • 5. Always up to date