Visual FoxPro Code Converter

Visual FoxPro Code Converter

Development Tab - Showing Copy/Pasted Converted Code & Results
When using the Visual FoxPro Code Converter along with FmPro Migrator, it is possible to convert thousands of scripts at once. The results are written to disk as text files.
When using the Visual FoxPro Code Converter along with FmPro Migrator, it is possible to convert thousands of scripts at once. The results are written to disk as text files. The output directory of converted files is shown in this screenshot.

App details

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Developer tools

About Visual FoxPro Code Converter

The Visual FoxPro Code Converter converts/migrates/translates the contents of Visual FoxPro .PRG files into LiveCode or Servoy JavaScript code.

Scripts can be selected and converted individually, (development tab), or can be converted for an entire Visual FoxPro project all at once by supplying a MigrationProcess.db3 file (production tab). Each line of code is analyzed and re-mapped to equivalent code for the selected programming language. Unsupported keywords are logged and displayed on the Statistics page of the application.

Why might you need Visual FoxPro Code Converter?

• Quickly convert thousands of lines of existing VFP PRG code.
• Save hours of manual re-typing of existing code.
• Modernize legacy apps using cross-platform development tools.
• Re-develop VFP apps where the original developer has retired or is otherwise unavailable.
• Re-deploy existing business logic to new platforms including macOS, IOS or Linux.
• Improve the security of existing VFP apps using modern development tools.

What about Microsoft FoxBase+ for Macintosh or FoxPro 2.2 code?

Generally, it is recommended that code this old should be opened and converted with Visual FoxPro 9 prior to conversion. If the code is incorporated into a VFP9 project, the PRG files as well as the form code can be read and stored within a MigrationProcess.db3 file using FmPro Migrator.

But if you don’t want to go to this much preparation work, you can always open and convert the individual .PRG code files with Visual FoxPro Code Converter.

LiveCode is a graphical, cross-platform development environment which makes it easy to develop simple or complex apps for macOS, Windows, Linux, IOS and HTML5. It’s english like scripting language is based upon Apple’s HyperTalk language and is perfectly suited for small development teams where productivity is important. For more info about LiveCode please visit

Key features

  • Saves hours of work updating legacy Visual FoxPro PRG code files into modern development programming languages.